Easy Integration

Your login page is ready in few minutes

Embed our pre-built widget authentication effortlessly or customize the experience to provide a smooth and intuitive user journey.

Customizable login experience

Keep your login experience simple and smooth. Customize your authentication experience without compromising UX and quality.

You can embed our pre-built widget authentication effortlessly or customize the experience to provide a smooth and intuitive user journey.

Veridentify offer pre-built UI for
  • Sign up
  • Sign in
  • MFA Enrollment
  • Forgot Password
  • Reset Password
  • Agreements
All these screens are customizable to your organization’s brand.

Enable the setting that requires passwords to meet complexity requirements

Veridentify offers extensive API library support to eliminate unnecessary identity complexity and increase agility in your core business.

Veridentify has rich API library support. You can integrate our services easily.

We put API in the center to design and build applications easily interface with one another.

We provide service compatible with various options including;

  • REST API for all platforms and developers
  • WCF Service for .NET developers
  • Node Package for Javascript Developers

Our Swagger Documentation and Postman Collection are available to assist developers for integration and implementation.

Soon you will be able to access our services using Java SDK, PHP, Go Lang libraries. Of course, mobile accessibility will be added by providing iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Angular SDKs.

You can manage API authorization using identity standards such as OAuth 2.0, Open Id Connect and securely publish your APIs with access protection, ensuring only the right resources are accessed by the right users and applications at any time.

Multi-factor authentication prevents 99.9% of all cybersecurity attacks

Some Features

With the help of machine learning, Veridentify offers context-aware authentication infrastructure that grants access to users

Your data is encrypted with a strong key generated specifically for your account and stored in the cloud. In this way, your data can only be accessed at the application level. Moreover, except for you, even Veridentify cannot access your data

Your data is stored within the scope of KVKK legislation and your data can be accessed in accordance with these guidelines. With our new feature that we are going to add very soon, you will be able to grant limited access permission to data if you wish

The sophisticated analysis system detects and informs you at what times of the day, on which days of the week, in which months of the year your application is used more / less. In this way, it allows you to manage the resources of your applications(cloud/server/database) efficiently

You can easily import your existing data into Veri Identify and store unique values o your users in Veridentify for relational data in your existing database

SOON Your users, whom you have given permission will be able to edit their own data with VeriSelf Service

Upon your preferences, you can only access your applications from a certain country or countries that you allow

With our Custom Javascript and Custom CSS feature, you can customize your authentication screens as you wish

There are different versions for our APIs, you will be able to access the changes to be made from different versions and the current version will continue to work the same as it is. You will be notified in advance of releases that will be deprecated

SOON With our account recovery feature, your users will be able to recover their accounts with the recovery method they choose

SOON With customizable hooks, you will be able to inform your applications before or after any operation

SOON Your users will be able to perform Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) with popular messaging applications such as Whatsapp Telegram BIP

SOON Our customizable signup feature will be active